Matinees at Villa Hakasalmi
The beautiful hall at Villa Hakasalmi has excellent acoustics, which is why we are having matinee concerts featuring all kinds of music there every Sunday at 2 pm. You can enjoy matinees for the museum entrance fee of 12/10 euros. Free entry to those under the age of 18 and museum card holders.
Sun 10 November at 2 pm guitar music by Harri Wessman
The concert, organised in honour of Wessman’s new album, will include composer Harri Wessman’s guitar pieces throughout the years in honour of his 70th birthday. The matinee, which is part of the Kantakaupungin kitarakonsertit (inner city guitar concerts) series, will feature Matti Riutamaa and Patrick Vena on guitar, Eva Trygg on flute and Antti Leinonen on the accordion.
Sun 17 November at 2 pm songs and arias by Pacius
In honour of 210 years since the birth of Fredrik Pacius (1809–1891), dubbed the father of Finnish music, Villa Hakasalmi will host a concert of his lieder and opera scenes in the hall. The matinee, organised in cooperation with the Pacius-seura (Pacius association), will feature singers and pianists from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.
Sun 24 November at 2 pm From darkness to light
The Jusslin-Sivonen-Teerijoki trio, i.e. Heikki Sivonen on flute, Ilkka Teerijoki on the clarinet and Anne Jusslin on guitar, will play the Diesel Rhythm Canticle work composed for the trio by Jennah Vainio as well as Short Stories by Canadian composer Andrew Zohn. The concert starts with a funeral march and ends in light dance rhythms full of the joy of life.